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Climate-neutral fumigation processes and alternative treatment methods for the export of round timber (KLIMAtiv)


In the case of exports of calamity wood, transcontinental export requires safe phytosanitary treatment to prevent the spread of harmful organisms. Currently, fumigation with the greenhouse gas sulphuryldifluoride (SF) is usually used for this purpose. A strong reduction and/or a switch to more climate-friendly chemicals or alternative phytosanitary methods is therefore desirable.



  • Elaboration of efficacy data on the application of SF treatment at different temperatures and dwell times to ensure efficient killing of the harmful of the harmful organisms (JKI)
  • Experiments with alternative gases, such as monophosphane (PH3) (JKI)
  • Testing alternative fumigation methods with nitrogen and carbon dioxide (Thünen)
  • Investigation and optimisation of storage in water and heat/steam treatment as well as the combination of gas and heat treatment (Thünen)


Climate effect under consideration

Reducing the release of climate-damaging sulphuryldifluoride (SF), which is used to treat wood for export

Contact persons

JKI, Institute for National and International Plant Health

Dr. Björn Hoppe

Dr. Stephanie Feltgen

Christine Gottwald

JKI, Institute for Ecological Chemistry, Plant Analysis and Stored Product Protection

Dr. Garnet Marlen Kroos

Dr. Sibylle Kümmritz

Yvonne Ratzlaff

Verena Misgaiski

JKI, Institute for Forest Protection


Dr. Nadine Bräsicke

Dr. Matthias Becker

Thünen Institute, Institute of Wood Research

Dr. Jochen Trautner

Dr. Jan Benthien

Claudia Mund

Gesa Weber

Links to project pages: KLIMAtiv / JKI und KLIMAtiv / Thünen


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