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Increased humus production through the cultivation of sorghum in Germany as an active contribution to climate protection (SORGHUM)


More cold-tolerant sorghum plants with high contribution to humus build-up in the soil and thus improved usability of another C4-crop



  • Cultivation of test hybrids at several sites and conduct of field trials with different water availabilities
  • Characterisation of the potential for C-fixation under current and changed climatic conditions for selected test hybrids
  • Development of genomic prediction models for cold tolerance, early maturity, yield, total C-binding and crop residue biomass
  • Use of process-based plant growth models to evaluate the cultivation potential in different growing regions and the climate protection potentials


Climate effect under consideration

Resource-efficient and climate-friendly cultivation of sorghum through optimised genotypes and higher humus production as an active contribution to C sequestration

Contact persons

JKI, Institute for Crop and Soil Sciences

Prof. Dr. Jörg-Michael Greef

Dr. Lorenz Kottmann

JKI, Institute for Strategies and Technology Assessment

Dr. Til Feike

Dr. Amir Hajjarpoor

Justus Liebig University Gießen, Department of Plant Breeding

Prof. Dr. Rod Snowdon

Dr. Steffen Windpassinger

Dr. Benjamin Wittkop

Link to project page:  Sorghum


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