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Optimisation of the potential of semi-dwarfs in rye for increasing the climate protection performance of cereal crop rotations (PRoKlima)


Further development and assessment of semi-dwarfs with defined grain qualities to improve sustainability and climate-friendly production of bread and feed grain



  • Crossing of the short-straw gene Ddw1 into population rye and investigations on root system, drought stress tolerance and yield physiological parameters
  • Phenotyping of semi-dwarfs under current and predicted future climatic conditions (field and pot trials)
  • Integration of agro-ecosystem models and life cycle assessment for comprehensive greenhouse gas accounting of rye under climate change


Climate effect under consideration

Reduction of GHG emissions from rye production through improved N-efficiency and reduced consumption of fossil fuels during harvesting


Contact persons

JKI, Institute for Breeding Research on Agricultural Crops

Dr. Bernd Hackauf

Jenny Seifert

Anne Zaar



Dr. Franz Joachim Fromme

JKI, Institute for Crop and Soil Science

Dr. Lorenz Kottmann

Thomas Kämpfer

JKI, Institute for Strategies and Technology Assessment

Dr. Til Feike

Ashifur Shawon

Link to project page:  PRoKlima


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